Crabapple Trees Everywhere
The weather was great Sunday, which was just what the doctor ordered. We had a very busy day. First we made our way over to Powderhorn Park for the annual May Day Parade. I'm ashamed to say that I've never attended this event, and we didn't have time to stick around for t0o long, but it was really cool. I managed one photo, before my camera batteries zonked out:
From now on, I want to make this festival a priority- it's a very cool community gathering. Since we were heading out to Waconia for a party at my coworker's house, Jen and I decided to stop along the way at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. I'm pretty sure my mom brought me there when I was younger, but I don't think I really appreciated it when I was a kid. It's an incredible place- simply enormous. There were an incredible variety of tulips...
...and also beautiful crab apple trees in bloom everywhere.
The smell of lilacs filled the air, and it was a neat little outing. We'll definitely be heading back later in the season, when we have an entire day to explore. While heading to the party, and on the trip back to the Cities, we noticed crab apple trees in bloom all over the place- incredible, vibrant, flowers of many colors. These trees line both sides of 47th street, half a block from our house. How come I've never noticed this before? There must not have been many in our old neighborhood, and I think they only bloom for a short while. Spring is a wonderful, albeit painfully short, season in Minnesota!
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