Paging Dr. Freud

Last night I had a dream that I was a passenger in a small, two-seat airplane that my buddy Joe K was flying. We had to land in a very small clearing in the middle of a vast forest. Some friends or family members were waiting for us, and I think we may have been bringing them food. [I just realized that this is reminding me of a scene from The Constant Gardener, which I watched recently, as well as multiple flights Jen and I took in 15-seat airplanes while honeymooning in Belize.]
The area that we had to land the plane was very, very small- maybe 50 feet by 75 feet. Joe told me that it would be difficult to land in such a tight spot, but that he had done it before- I wasn't so sure. He circled around the clearing, over and over again, dropping slowly in altitude. Once we were almost brushing the tops of the trees, he brought the nose of the plane quickly up, then dove straight towards the ground. The idea was to then jerk the nose back up quickly, so that we'd land on the wheels. Right about this time, it occurred to me that a seat belt might be a good idea. I was standing in the back of the airplane, which had suddenly become a cargo plane. Right as that thought entered my head, we dove straight down, and plunged into water. [Reminiscent of Castaway?]
There was one of those strange dream moments where I was outside of my body for a few moments, as I saw Joe release his seat belt, and grab a few important belongings. I noticed a hole in the cockpit windshield, and realized I must have been thrown through the glass. I couldn't figure out where the hell my body was, though, and assumed I must be dead. Then the front of the plane raised a little bit off the sea floor, and I saw myself underneath.
At that point, my perspective changed, so that I was seeing through my own eyes again. I clutched for a few food/clothing bags, swam out from underneath the plane, and headed for the surface. We had landed in a very small lagoon on one side of the clearing, and my body was aching. When we exited the water, I first noticed a cut on my thigh. But then I saw my right foot, which was incredibly swollen, discolored, and misshapen. At this point, I knew I needed to get to a hospital, but there didn't appear to be one anywhere near us, and the plane was toast.
Then I noticed my hands, which were even worse than my foot- the fingers were twisted this way and that- absolutely disgusting. I started to panic a little, and that's when I woke up. I was on my stomach, and my hands were underneath me, half asleep. Aha! That explains the very end of the dream, I guess.
Dude did you find a "hatch" or some "others"?
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